Tuesday, February 01, 2011

My Food Personality.

-          I love, love, love feta! I would put it on everything if I could!
-          My specialty is Italian. Pasta dishes are where my love for cooking began.
-          Lemon Zest!
-          Basil Pesto – from scratch
-          My cute red mini food processor
-          Cooking from the beginning. You know, from scratch. I try to cook as homemade as possible… but its hard sometimes!
-          Plum tomatoes. Best flavor, best sauces.
-          Spinach and mushrooms. I’ve really grown to love cooking with mushrooms!
-          Creating something new…that actually turns out good!
-           The word “julienned”, I’m not that great at it, but I like to say the word.
-          When whoever is trying my food – goes back for seconds! It’s the ultimate food compliment.

-          Bacon, pancetta, and pork in general – If you’re looking for a good bacon wrapped bacon ball recipe… you won’t find it here!
-          Marinating chicken. I won’t do it. The thought, makes me vomitous. I prefer to season right before I cook.  
-          Overcooked pasta. There’s nothing worse than squishy-mashed-potatoey- fall apart noodles!
-          When I run out of cheese. I can’t imagine my life without cheese.
-          Onions.
-          Doing the dishes. Bummer!
Tell me yours!


  1. Next time my family gathers to make homemade raviolis (our Nonnie's recipe), will you come join us?

    Your recipes/pictures are yummy.
